
Our cryptocurrency glossary helps you decipher crypto jargon back into plain English. Learn the terms that you’ll come across on your crypto journey.

Term of the Day

Fear Uncertainty Doubt (FUD)

An acronym for Fear, Uncertainly, Doubt. It’s pronounced like the world “mud”. FUD is a label given to negative news, market analysis, and opinions about anything related to cryptocurrencies.

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Cryptocurrency is digital money. Digital money, transacting over the Internet, open up a world of investment opportunities As a digital tradeable asset, thousands of cryptocurrencies are...

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Terms that start with “O”

  1. Off-Chain

    Refers to blockchain transactions that are processed outside the blockchain. Due to the limitations of on-chain transactions, including a blockchain’s scalability, speed, and cost, off-chain transactions and Layer 2 protocols were introduced to help Layer 1 blockchains deal with congested networks and slow processing speeds.

  2. On-Chain

    Refers to blockchain transactions that exist on and have been verified to the blockchain by miners or validators.

  3. Open-source

    Software code that is publicly accessible, meaning that anyone can view, modify and redistribute the code. The mission of open-source software is to promote openness, transparency, collaboration and participation by anyone in the development of the software. In relation to blockchains, many of the top blockchains are developed using open source software, with no central bank, government, or institution controlling the software.

  4. OpenSea

    OpenSea is the world’s first and largest decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplace for buying and selling Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.Japanese Proverb