The Dark Web is the complete opposite of the Internet that you’re used to using.

While it is a collection of several thousand hidden websites that are “online”, the Dark Web doesn’t get indexed by your favorite search engine.

This means the Dark Web doesn’t have a homepage that will appear in any search engine search results.

Recent studies by Internet security firms and researchers have estimated that more than 50% of all Dark Web websites host illicit material.

You can buy drugs, guns, stolen identities, social security numbers, hacked website credentials, and all matters of other illegal items.

The Dark Web is also notorious for selling distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks using botnets, stolen financial and customer data, espionage services, and access exploits and keyloggers.

The primary method of paying for these services is by using cryptocurrencies.

Silk Road is the most famous Dark Web online marketplace that gained notoriety after being shut down by the FBI in 2013.

The then founder of the website, Ross Ulbricht, was arrested and sentenced to life in prison.

Between 2013 and 2020, the FBI and U.S. government seized more than USD $1 billion worth of Bitcoin (BTC) connected to Silk Road.