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Cowabunga System Trade Record

Cumulative Stats  
Total: +3118 Pips
Number of Trades 316
Number of Wins 178
Number of Losses 133 (5 breakeven)
Win % 57%
Average Win: 35
Average Loss: 22
Average Pips/Month +195*
R-Multiple 156.06


2008 Stats  
Total: +484 Pips
Number of Trades 84
Number of Wins 47
Number of Losses 37
Win % 56%
Average Win: 31
Average Loss: 25
Average Pips/Month +121*



May 2008  
5th-9th +101
12th-16th -45
19th-23rd -22
26th-30th +70
Total: +104 Pips
Number of Trades 19
Number of Wins 10
Number of Losses 9
Win % 52%
Average Win: 31
Average Loss: 23
R-Multiple 7.41


April 2008  
March 31- Apr. 4 +38
7th-11th +51
14th-18th -70
21st-25th +82
Apr. 28 – May 2 +48
Total: +149 Pips
Number of Trades 23
Number of Wins 13
Number of Losses 10
Win % 56%
Average Win: 32
Average Loss: 26
R-Multiple 7.20


March 2008  
3rd-7th +47
10th-14th -26
17th-21st -13
24th-28th +88
Total: +96 Pips
Number of Trades 19
Number of Wins 9
Number of Losses 10
Win % 47%
Average Win: 41
Average Loss: 27
R-Multiple 6.28


February 2008  
4th-8th Vacation
11th-15th Vacation
18th-22nd Vacation
25th-29th +38
Total: +38 Pips
Number of Trades 4
Number of Wins 3
Number of Losses 1
Win % 75%
Average Win: 17
Average Loss: 14
R-Multiple -0.01


January 2008  
Dec.31-Jan.4 +99
7th-11th -2
Total: +97 Pips
Number of Trades 11
Number of Wins 7
Number of Losses 4
Win % 63%
Average Win: 26
Average Loss: 22
R-Multiple 3.54

See trade record for: 2007

*Doesn’t include February 2008 because I was out most of the month

**Pip totals do not include spread as each broker differs